Probe into the Methods and Techniques for Improving the Quality of Book Classifying and Duplicate Checking under the Network Environment 网络环境下提高图书分类查重质量的方法与技巧探析
An inductance appearance with a pole probe, automation feed framework and mode of measurement on-line are designed in the single dimension checking. 一维尺寸在线检测方法中,设计了柱形触点电感测头、自动上料机构和在线测量软件。
Objective To probe the value of pure tone checking, accoustic impedence and checking up tympanic membrane, electro-otoscopy, tympanotomy in diagnosis of SOM. 目的探讨纯音测听、声导抗测试与仔细的鼓膜检查、电耳镜检查、鼓膜穿刺等方法对分泌性中耳炎(SOM)的诊断价值。